Should I list pricing on my website?

A stamp that reads 'Our Prices'

Whether you are starting a new business from scratch or launching a new website, one question causes most small business owners a headache: should you list your pricing on your website? We’ve put together a few pros and cons. 

Not one size fits all

Just like people, businesses are different, especially in the service industry. As web designers, we understand that there is often not one final answer. At the same time, your needs differ, too. What your business offers may not fit into the boundaries set by specific packages you list on your website. However, we believe there are more arguments in favor of pricing being listed than against. Let’s look at them individually. 

The Pros

Increased transparency: Listing prices means being up front and transparent with your prospective customers. When they enquire about your services, they have an idea of what prices to expect

Increased timesaving: You will save time by listing prices on your website. Many business owners spend time fielding calls from or preparing quotes for prospective clients who cannot afford their services. Published prices will cut down on those. 

Fewer barriers: Without prices on your website, anyone interested in your services must make contact to find out whether what you offer fits within their budget. Many will simply not take that step. Listing prices avoids losing these customers.

The Cons

Giving the game away: If you list your prices, your competitors will know what you charge. Ask yourself – do you have a good idea what your competitors charge? If yes, then you can safely assume they know your prices. Trust me, your time is better spent working on your own products and services than worrying about your competitors. 

Losing sales opportunities: There is a chance that listing prices will put off people who believe they cannot afford you. If you are a strong salesperson on the phone or in a personal meeting, you may feel like listing prices robs you of the chance to convince prospects. Honestly, your website should work just as hard as a ‘salesperson’ for your business as you do. Rather than being a negative, this is an opportunity to improve your website altogether.

The Compromise

As is true for many small businesses in the service industry, flexibility and preparation win the day. Listing prices doesn’t mean relying on restrictive packages. After all, we know that clients’ needs do differ. Having said that, most businesses regularly quote for similar services. The details and the combination of those may differ, but the components are often identical. Before you list your prices, take the time to review them and make sure they are solid before publication.

‘Starting from’ prices are a great option. They give prospective customers an idea of where you position yourself in your market, without closing the door to negotiation. You still save time by not preparing quotes for customers who wouldn’t have been a good fit. At the same time, you retain the chance to upsell for custom projects. 

Listing prices on your website makes life easier both for you and for those considering your services. If it’s easy to do business with you, customers will become repeat customers and recommend you. Everyone wins!

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